Last updated on November 14th, 2022 at 10:11 am
Just last fall, Newark city in new Jersey distributed around 40,000 filters door to door to help families with lead supply lines. This was done to fight against the lead contamination found in the water which leaked through the old pipes. A recent test by EPA reported that the filters provided to eliminate lead may not be effective. And the report is now confirmed as the city began handing out bottled water last Monday.
The city, which is not new to the problem of lead contamination faces yet another problem with the fleeting solution of filters. The largest supply in the state, the city provides water to 280,000 people. To cope with the problem of lead, the city handed out filters and cartridges which claimed to remove 99% of the contamination. EPA’s report, stating otherwise found that the suggested filters “may not be reliably effective.” Tests were conducted on two homes and samples showed that the filtered water had lead levels more than 15 parts per billion, a Federal and State standard.
What Is The Level Of Damage?
Around 15,000 homes had lead service supply lines which brought the contamination into their houses. Lead contamination can cause more harm to children and pregnant women as they are the most vulnerable. Authorities have made it clear that there is no safe level of lead and that the dangers of exposure include infertility, cognitive dysfunction, and organ damage. The city has now advised the residents to take precautions and get their families checked for exposure levels.
Is Bottled Water Enough?
The authorities have already sprung in action by distributing bottled water to the houses. However, the supply may not be regular every day as the city has to provide for 15,000 homes, maybe more. Additionally, the transport of bottles each day may require more time.
Emmett Coleman, a Newark resident, told USA Today that he spent an hour on Monday waiting for two cases of bottles. “In the senior building, it’s bad,” he said. “All of us are sick or have problems, and we can’t drink the water. And the filters aren’t working.”
In January, the Mayor of Newark Ras Baraka urged the President to help repair and rebuild the city’s water infrastructure. Repairing the lead lines alone is estimated to cost $70 million said, Baraka. Till now, help hasn’t arrived while the filters give out. Bottled supply may not be enough every time and so one will have to look for additional sources of water.
How Can I Ensure Constant Water Supply At Home?
For the time, it is helpful for residents to start considering purchasing compact treatment alternatives for the home. It can be 3-5 Stage RO Purifiers that are verified for their performance or emergency portable watermakers. If one is not willing to get a system installed then portable emergency systems are the best, they can be moved and used everywhere. As an option, communities can come together to get a mobile reverse osmosis unit that will be providing safe drinking water in the matter of minutes in areas where bottles may not reach on time. Read more about safe alternatives for a constant supply here.
If you have any questions about how to gain access to safe supply, call AMPAC USA at (909) 548 4900 or drop us an inquiry through our website The company experts shall be helping you out with your water supply immediately and we have customer service ready to assist you 24×7.