Last updated on November 14th, 2022 at 09:59 am
Corona Virus is one of the biggest problems faced by humanity today. Millions of people are affected by it, and it is forcing billions to practice social distancing and limit exposure with other human beings. If you are also practicing social distancing and want to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from this growing crisis, then here are a few myths and facts you need to remember. Misinformation is a big problem. Let’s avoid it, together.
Myth- Hand dryers can kill COVID-19 virus
Fact- No, hand dryers are not effective in killing the virus. The smartest way to kill it is to wash your hands with pure water and soap. You can also kill it by using a sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content. Make sure you dry your hands with a paper towel to kill all the germs.
Myth- Ultraviolet lamps are effective in killing COVID-19
Fact- UV lamps are not the answer if you want to sterilize your hands or any part of the skin. In fact, unwanted exposure to UV lamps might lead to skin irritation.

Myth- Spraying chlorine or alcohol on my body will help kill COVID-19 virus
Fact- If a person has been exposed to the virus, the smartest thing to do would be to seek medical attention. Spraying alcohol or chlorine in any quantity would not help. Also, such substances can be harmful to your skin, mouth, eyes and lungs. The only reason you can trust alcohol is to use bleach and alcohol while you opt to disinfect surfaces.
Myth- If I receive a package from China, I’ll get in contact with COVID-19
Fact- You cannot get infected from packages received from China or any other infected country or state. The virus doesn’t survive for long on packages or letters. You can still avoid touching packages for a couple of hours or days and quarantine them as an extra precaution.
Myth- My pet will infect me with COVID-19
Fact- No, a pet cannot infect you with COVID-19. But as an extra precaution, it is smart to wash your hands with pure water and soap to avoid the transmission of bacteria like Salmonella, which usually pass between humans and pets.
Myth- If anyone had pneumonia virus, they can’t catch COVID-19
Fact- Pneumonia virus is different from COVID-19. Vaccines mean for pneumonia can’t help in protecting you from COVID-19.
Myth- If I use saline nasal rinses, I will be protected from COVID-19
Fact- There is no evidence that suggests using nasal rinses will help you to stay protected from COVID-19.
Myth- If I consume garlic regularly, I will be safe from COVID-19
Fact- There is no evidence that if you have garlic, you will be protected against the virus.
Myth- Applying sesame oil on my body will help me protect from COVID-19
Fact- No. Sesame oil cannot kill this deadly virus.
Myth- COVID-19 only affects people over the age of 50-60
Fact- COVID-19 can infect anyone at any age. It can affect anyone from a newborn baby to a young and gym-going person. People who have an existing health condition like COPD, diabetes, heart disease or asthma are more vulnerable to it.
Myth- COVID-19 can be killed by antibiotic use
Fact- No. COVID-19 is a virus, while antibiotics are meant to treat bacterial infections. Hence, COVID-19 cannot be treated by using antibiotics.
Myth- Face masks can help you avoid the COVID-19 virus
Fact- Face masks are only needed by people who have COVID-19 so that when they sneeze or cough, they don’t pass on the disease to other individuals. The use of an N-95 respirator mask are meant for health care providers only. You are free not to use a mask if you aren’t sick.
Myth- COVID-19 is similar to the common cold
Fact- COVID-19 is much more dangerous than the common cold. It is believed that it originated from bats and transferred to humans. Common cold viruses use humans as the main host while COVID-19 is using bats as the host. However, COVID-19 is in the same family as the common cold.
Myth- COVID-19 will not survive in hot areas
Fact- Weather has nothing to do with COVID-19 spread. People living in hot regions are also the victims of COVID-19.
Myth- Taking multiple showers or baths a day will help prevent me from COVID-19
Fact- Taking a bath or a shower will not help much. A smarter way to protect yourself from this virus is to wash hands with pure water and soap multiple times in a day, especially when you come home from outside.
Myth- COVID-19 can spread via mosquito bites
Fact- There is no scientific evidence of that.
Final words
All in all, it can be seen that there are many myths regarding COVID-19. You should do well if you check the facts before making any lifestyle changes. AMPAC USA shared this information to help you avoid the side effects of believing these myths. In these times of crisis, researchers can also trust us to provide them with high purity lab water. Let’s fight this pandemic together!