Last updated on March 29th, 2025 at 02:22 pm
Good Friday is a day of the Holy week observed to remember the sacrifice Jesus Christ, the Son of God, made for mankind. The day of this day changes each year due to the following of the movement of the moon. The day has been around for more than thousands of years but here are some very intriguing and mind-boggling facts about the day that one may never forget.
- Many parts in Germany ban dancing on Good Friday. The ban is a strict one starting at 4 am on the morning of Thursday and ending only after Saturday.
- In New Zealand, TV and Radio stations are not allowed to run commercials on Good Friday, Easter or even Christmas. Defaulters are penalized with a hefty fine.
- In 1930, on Good Friday, The BBC did not have any news to broadcast, so they broadcasted pian music instead.
- In 1788, during the Great Fire in New Orleans, Church priests did not allow the church bells to be rung on Good Friday as a fire alarm which resulted in the destruction of 856 buildings.
- The Philippines remember Good Friday by recreating the crucifixion scene and using real people who volunteer, to nail them on the cross.
- Alcohol is banned in Ireland on account of Good Friday.
- A superstition associated with the day is that if you wash clothes on Good Friday, the head of the family may die.
- Even though there have been several speculations, no one is exactly sure where the name Good Friday came from.
- Because beaver had an aquatic habitat and behaviors, the Catholic Church declared the animal to be a type of fish makes is acceptable as a feast on Good Friday and throughout Lent. This extension went to Muskrat and Capybara later.
- In 1935, Germans made their own calendar which did not have the Saint days or even Good Friday. The calendar was instead dedicated to 4500 Saxons who were murdered by Charlemagne, the Butcher.
Interesting as they are, some of these facts are intriguing as well as amazing. Now even you can share the knowledge and goodwill of Good Friday with these facts. Ampac USA wishes all its readers, customers and well-wishers a blessed Good Friday.
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Ampac USA is a manufacturer of water treatment systems used around the globe for quality drinking water. The company has an experience of over 40 years, uses the latest technology to provide a standard, reliable product and works with experts to give the best possible service.