Lead Removal

River water contains trace amounts of lead between 3 and 30 ppb. Seawater contains between 2 to 30 ppt. Freshwater fish approximately 0.5-1000 ppb, and oyster approximately 500 ppb.
The World Health Organization (WHO) set a maximum limit of 10 ppb in drinking water supplies. Ampac USA offer a complete solution to remove lead from your water supply. Ampac USA Advanced Reverse Osmosis Systems reduces lead of up to 99% from drinking water supplies.

If lead is consumed, it can be very harmful to human health and is very dangerous to children because their developing brains and nervous systems are more sensitive to the damaging effects of lead exposure according to the World Health Organization.

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Ion Exchange Twin Alternating Water Softener, AP3000S by AMPAC USA gets rid of the problem of hard water supply.

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No salt E Treat Water Softener, AP2500S by AMPAC USA allows you to get conditioned water that doesn’t lead to scale formation in pipes. Call 909-548-4900 to buy

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Ion Exchange Water Softener, AP2000S by AMPAC USA makes hard water drinkable in a jiffy. 

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Ion Exchange Water Softener AP1500S from AMPAC USA, AP1500S is among the best water softeners as it eliminates many hardness minerals.

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Ion Exchange Water Softener AP1000S by AMPAC USA reduces the hardness levels in water quickly. To buy AP1000S Water Softener at best prices, call 909-548-4900.

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