Seawater Desalination

Seawater Desalination has become the ideal solution to meet the shortage of fresh water in the world


The desalination process is based primarily on a seawater desalination reverse osmosis process. Seawater coming into the Seawater Desalination watermaker goes through an extensive pretreatment process, then goes through a seawater desalination reverse osmosis process to separate freshwater from seawater, then freshwater goes through another extensive post-treatment process to improve taste, smell and color.

Finally, desalinated water produced by seawater desalination watermaker through final steps to maintain the freshwater free from bacteria and microbes and to ensure access to pure fresh water for the consumer as well to reach the World Health Organization (WHO) standards for Drinking Water.

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Sea Water Desalination Watermaker Land Based SW9000-LX, 9000 GPD by AMPAC USA is fully automated and suits vessels, ships, and boats.

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Sea Water Desalination Watermaker Land Based SW10K-LX, 10,000 GPD by AMPAC USA is fully automated system for Land-Based Applications as well.

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Mobile Seawater Desalination Plant | SW80K-LXC - Fully Packaged (Containerized) Seawater Desalination Watermaker - Model: SW80K-LXC is a Turnkey System.

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Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Watermaker 2000-4000 GPD, SW2000-LC by AMPAC USA meets all water purification standards.

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Mobile Seawater Desalination Plant | SW100K-LXC - Fully Packaged (Containerized) Seawater Desalination Watermaker - Model: SW100K-LXC is a Turnkey System.

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Sea Water Desalination Watermaker Land Based SW500-LC by AMPAC USA is highly customizable, cost-effective and ready to ship. 

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Sea Water Desalination Land based watermakers 20,000 GPD, SW20K-LX by AMPAC USA serves boats, ships, PSV, MPSV and AHTS type vessels. 

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Mobile Seawater Desalination Watermaker System, SW100K-LX by AMPAC USA lets you get pure water on your ship, boat or vessel anywhere. 

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Sea Water Desalination Watermaker Land Based SW9000-LX, 9000 GPD by AMPAC USA is fully automated and suits vessels, ships, and boats.

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80k Sea Water Desalination Watermaker 80,000 GPD, SW80K-LX by AMPAC USA allows you to have pure water on ships, boats, and vessels. 

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Sea Water Desalination Watermaker Land Based 60,000 GPD, SW60K-LX by AMPAC USA provides pure water on large boats, vessels, and ships. 

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Seawater Desalination Watermaker Land Based 6,000 GPD by AMPAC USA is perfect for long voyages. 

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Sea Water Desalination Watermaker Land Based 5000 GPD / 19,000 LPD, SW5000-LX by AMPAC USA lets you get pure water on every ride. 

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Sea Water Desalination Watermaker Land Based 40,000 GPD, SW40K-LX can be added to MPSV, PSV and AHTS type vessels, ships and boats.

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Seawater Desalination Land based Watermakers 4000 GPD/ 15,140 LPD, SW4000-LX by AMPAC USA provides the purest water. 

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SW3000-LX, Sea Water Desalination Land based watermakers, 3000 GPD offer sea water desalination for Large Boats, Ships, PSV, MPSV and AHTS type vessels.

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Twin Redundant Seawater Desalination Watermakers Built on one Skid 12,000 GPD Each, tota; 24,000 GPD, Model: SW24000-LX by AMPAC USA.

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Seawater Desalination Watermaker Land Based SW12000-LX |12000 GPD/ 45,000 LPD / 1.9m³/hr. are for large boats, ships, PSV, MPSV and AHTS type vessels. 

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Sea Water Desalination Watermaker Land Based SW2000-LX by AMPAC USA suits huge boats, ships, PSV, MPSV and AHTS type vessels.

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SWRO sea water desalination land based watermaker by AMPAC USA makes seawater drinkable. 

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Sea Water Desalination 6000 GPD, SW6000 by AMPAC USA meets water needs of communities/industries. 

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Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Watermaker 600 GPD by AMPAC USA is perfect for boats and small ships. 

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Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Watermaker 5000 GPD is offered by AMPAC USA for large water needs. 

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Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Watermaker 4500 GPD, SW4500 offers pure water anywhere. 

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Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Watermaker 3000 GPD, SW3000 makes boat rides safe by providing you pure water anywhere. 

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Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Watermaker 300 GPD by AMPAC USA provides pure water anywhere you are. 

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Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Watermaker 2000 GPD, SW2000 by AMPAC USA meets all water purification standards. 

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Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Watermaker 200 GPD by AMPAC USA is best for every application. 

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Seawater Desalination RO Watermaker 1500GPD, SW1500 provides pure water to boaters. 

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Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Watermaker 1000 GPD, SW1000 is a marine-based water purifier. 

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Marine Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Watermaker 100 GPD (380 LPD ) by AMPAC USA are sold at less than market prices. 

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Military Sea Water Desalination 5000GPD, ROWPU SW5000-ML is awesome for navy ships. To buy this Military Water Purification System available at best price & deliver swiftly, call at 909-548-4900.

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Military Sea Water Desalination - ROWPU SW4500, 4500GPD is perfect for Navy and military units all over the world.

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Portable Emergency Seawater Desalination Watermaker SW150,150GPD/560LPD capacity is available at best prices at AMPAC USA. 

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Off-Shore Sea Water Desalination Watermaker SW20K-Class1-Div2 by AMPAC USA is fully automated and best for oil platforms. 

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Off-Shore Sea Water Desalination Watermaker, SW10K-C1D2 by AMPAC USA is fully automated and explosion-free. 

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  • Description
  • Applications
  • Features and Benefits


Pre-Treatment Process:

Seawater entering the desalination plant goes through spin down screens filter to remove suspended solids and debris, then gets injected with oxidants and coagulators to purify sea water as in many parts of the world waste water is dumped into the sea, leading to the contamination of seawater. In this process, chemicals are added to the seawater to make algae, organic materials and particles bond together so they can be removed more easily in the filtration stage that follows.

In the next stage, seawater goes through automatic backwash Sand Filters to catch all the suspended solids, algae and organic materials that has bonded together.

Then Seawater goes through Automatic Backwash Activated Carbon Filters to reduce color and smell, as well adjust pH level of seawater.

Finally the seawater goes through a series of 5 micron Sediment Filters to remove silt and fine particles that may be remaining after the pretreatment process.

Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Watermaker Process:

The Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Process also known as SWRO process starts with High Pressure Pumps that forces the pretreated seawater through a set of semi-permeable membranes at high pressure to separate the freshwater from the seawater.

The size of the Seawater RO membrane pore is .002 microns, which is about 1/100,000th the diameter of a human hair.

Post-Treatment Process:

After the Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis Process, Fresh Water goes through Activated Carbon Post Filters, to improve Taste Odor and Clarity, then through pH adjust post-filters, then finally, through an Ultra Violet sterilizer to ensure water is totally disinfected and pure. Chlorine is usually added where the water is stored to stabilize the fresh water produced.


Features and Benefits